LVL59 Master 300+LP 61%WR (Grandmaster MMR) ⸱ 1st Owner (Signup Info incl.)
LV54 Challenger 560LP 78%WR ⸱ 13K BE ⸱ Multi-season ACC ⸱ Full Ownership
LVL44 Challenger 520+LP 64%WR ⸱ Name Changeable ⸱ 1st Owner (Sign up Info incl.)
LVL41 Master 10+LP 62%WR ⸱ 51K BE ⸱Name Changeable ⸱1st Owner (Sign up Info incl
Platinum 2 43LP 86%WR +38LP Gains ⸱ 17K BE ⸱ 1st Owner (Sign up Info incl.)